Simcenter Virtual Lab Acoustics for Acoustics Simulation
Minimize noise and optimize sound quality in designs by simulating interior and exterior acoustic radiation
Are your customers expecting quieter products? Are competitors gaining ground by using sound quality as a differentiator? Will tighter noise regulations impact your product sales? Would you like to decrease the time spent on predicting sound fields or shave off weeks on complex jobs like engine run-ups? In the past, parametric analysis and design refinement was simply not feasible because of cost and time constraints. The only option was to apply expensive techniques late in the development stage at the expense of design flexibility. You can conquer these challenges with the Simcenter Virtual.Lab acoustic simulation solutions.
Acoustic simulation via Simcenter Virtual.Lab Acoustics helps you perform acoustic meshing and remodel design changes within an hour and analyze the acoustic response within a day. You will be able to make informed decisions during early design stages and systematically refine and optimize your product’s acoustic performance.
By integrating LMS Sysnoise technologies into Simcenter Virtual Lab Acoustics simulation, we have created the first end-to-end environment for acoustic performance engineering using virtual models. Simcenter Virtual.Lab acoustic simulation solutions can be applied to routine applications such as structural noise radiation and cavity field simulations as well as used to address specific acoustic engineering issues including engine run-ups, flow-induced noise and random acoustic loading.
Finite Element Acoustics
Simcenter Virtual Lab Finite Element Acoustics offers a method for acoustic simulation, helping you predict and improve sound and noise performances of systems. Finite Element Acoustics can create a weak and fully coupled vibro- acoustic simulation to determine how acoustic sources affect the structure.
Boundary Element Acoustics
Simcenter Virtual Lab Boundary Element Acoustics is an acoustic simulation tool used to predict and improve sound and noise performance of a broad range of systems. The acoustics solution addresses internal and external radiation problems and has a strong focus on radiation problems.
Multipole Boundary Element Acoustics
Simcenter Virtual Lab Fast Multipole Boundary Element Acoustics uses high-speed iterative techniques to solve boundary element method (BEM) equations, with sophisticated algorithms based on multipole expansion and multi-level hierarchical cell sub-structuring.
Time-Domain Boundary Element Method
The Simcenter Virtual Lab Time-Domain Boundary Element Method (TDBEM) solver is particularly suited for problems with short-term impulse excitation signals. Excitations can be defined in the time domain in terms of acoustic sources or by imposed vibration on the boundary.
FEM Vibro-Acoustics
Simcenter Virtual Lab FEM Vibro-Acoustic Structural Solver allows you to compute structural modes, structural responses and vibro-acoustic responses. You can select from a wide range of modal and direct solutions according to your needs related to accuracy, solver speed and desired insight when post-processing.
Ray Acoustics
Simcenter Virtual Lab Ray Acoustics is a 3D acoustic simulation tool that allows you to efficiently and accurately perform various audio and in-vehicle acoustic comfort simulations, covering the entire hearing frequency range.
Aero-Acoustic Modeling
Simcenter Virtual Lab Aero-Acoustic Modeling, coupled with the BEM or FEM technology, helps you accurately predict and solve flow induced noise problems ranging from cooling fan noise in electrical appliances to turbulence-based noise in aircrafts, trains and cars.
Acoustics Options
Simcenter Virtual Lab Acoustics offers several acoustic solution options including acoustic transfer vector (ATV) analysis, parallel solving, meshing for acoustics, sound package design and many others.