Solid Modeling
Solid modeling is the most advanced method of geometric modeling in three dimensions. Solid modeling is the representation of the solid parts of the object on your computer.
The typical geometric model is made up of wire frames that show the object in the form of wires.
This wire frame structure can be two dimensional, two and half dimensional or three dimensional.
Providing surface representation to the wire three dimensional views of geometric models make
Solid modeling is based on complete, valid and unambiguous geometric representation of physical object.
Objects are represented as a combination of simpler solid objects (primitives).
The primitives are such as cube, cylinder, cone, torus, sphere etc.
Copies or “instances” of these primitive shapes are created and positioned.
A complete solid model is constructed by combining these “instances” using Set specific, logic operations (Boolean)
Solid model is defined by their enclosing surfaces or boundaries. This technique consists of the geometric information about the faces, edges and vertices of an object with the topological data on how these are connected.
- Analysis automation and integration is possible only with solid models has properties
such as weight, moment of inertia, mass. - Solid model consist of geometric and topological data
- More than one procedure (and hence database) can be used to arrive at the same geometry.